The easiest way for a school to organize parent-teacher conferences, Scholastico PTC provides an easy and straightforward way to make your next school conference a huge success.
Ecoballot gives you a wide range of tamper-proof ballot options and election types. The ballots can have photos, brief descriptions of the candidates, and attachments. You can set the ballot to display the candidates randomly, so that no one has an alphabetic advantage.
With Scholastico’s feedback surveys, a student gets one single link in an email which authenticates them in a single click. The system provides them with a straightforward interface for providing feedback for each of their teachers easily, including an optional open-ended comment.
The above solutions are designed by us and are offered to schools in partnership with All communications and support is handled directly by Scholastico.
Online Payments System
Accept online-payments for your school, lunch, bus and other misc. fees via, Braintree, Amazon Pay, SagePay, Paypal and the alike.
Aggregation of logs/records from Veracross/SIS, Campus Access System (Lenel S2), Bus tracker (Busminder), Visitor Management System (Envoy) etc. that presentsa holistic view of a student/staff’s realtime location.
Bespoke view of student’s gradebook (view-only) as per the requirements of the school, including class/assignment wise display, grade-chart, and attendance counts.